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Dirigit al sector d’hotels, restaurants i cafeteries (HORECA), el projecte Smart Coffe és una investigació industrial amb la qual es pretenen millorar els processos tradicionals del sector cafeter mitjançant la implementació de tecnologies digitals avançades com l’Internet de les coses i la Intel·ligència Artificial, entre d’altres, a qualsevol cafetera professional, independentment del fabricant o el model de cafetera.
Smart Coffee representa una oportunitat de conversió dels procediments tradicionals (poca predicció de demanda, empreses sense capacitat d’avançar-se a incidències, gestió de recursos manual, etc.) cap a entorns digitals, i l’accés a les últimes tendències tecnològiques aplicades al sector cafeter.
Participem en el projecte: el Clúster Foodservice (coordinador del mateix), Galca Atlantic, Cafés Pont, Atlantis IT, Dribia Data Research, Apparatum i el Clúster GAIA.
El projecte està finançat pel Ministeri d’Indústria, Comerç i Turisme mitjançant el seu programa de suport a les Agrupacions Empresarials Innovadores (AEI).

Dirigido al sector de hoteles, restaurantes y cafeterías (HORECA), el proyecto Smart Coffe es una investigación industrial con la que se pretenden mejorar los procesos tradicionales del sector cafetero mediante la implementación de tecnologías digitales como el Internet de las cosas y la Inteligencia Artificial, entre otras, a cualquier cafetera profesional, independientemente del fabricante o el modelo de cafetera.

Smart Coffee representa una oportunidad de conversión de los procedimientos tradicionales (poca predicción de demanda, empresas sin capacidad de adelantarse a incidencias, gestión de recursos manual, etc.) hacia entornos digitales, y el acceso a las últimas tendencias tecnológicas aplicadas al sector cafetero

Participan en el proyecto el Clúster Foodservice (coordinador del mismo), Galca Atlantic, Cafés Pont, Dribia Data Research, Atlatis IT y el Clúster GAIA.

El proyecto está financiado por el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo mediante su programa de apoyo a las Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI).

Aimed at the hotel, restaurant and cafeteria (HORECA) sector, the Smart Coffee project is an industrial research project that aims to improve the traditional processes of the coffee sector through the implementation of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, among others, to any professional coffee maker, regardless of the manufacturer or model of coffee maker.
Smart Coffee represents an opportunity to convert traditional procedures (poor demand forecasting, companies without the ability to anticipate incidents, manual resource management, etc.) to digital environments, and access to the latest technological trends applied to the coffee sector The Foodservice Cluster (coordinator of the project), Galca Atlantic, Cafés Pont, Dribia Data Research, Atlatis IT and the GAIA Cluster participate in the project.
The project is funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism through its Innovative Business Group Support (AEI) programme.

The agrifood sector must take advantage of the advances that the era of digitalization is bringing to improve its competitiveness and efficiency, to make better use of resources, and to improve response and adaptation time in the face of unforeseen events. In that sense, digitalization enables us to carry it out in a more intelligent and automated way, paving the way towards the complete autonomy of the systems.

However, different stakeholders in the food supply chain, and the products themselves, have changing conditions that greatly impact the logistical stages of product distribution.

There is a clear need to apply technology to help address these situations and foster disruptive advances in the sector, based on applied Artificial Intelligence techniques, Big Data analysis and/or other data-based approaches.

For this reason, ATLANTIS IT has decided to develop Atlantis Food, an innovative solution focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence to provide advice and support in each scenario, including conflictive ones.

The results of the action are a platform with prediction methodologies (time, cost, demand, e.g.), classification (orders, incidents, etc.), structure identification (group groups of similar orders and try to improve their management). , anomaly detection (detect unforeseen geographic and/or temporal events), which allows the optimization of resources/processes, the generation of knowledge, and reduce the response time in case of an incident or specific need.